Having ideas to produce daily content is not an easy task. If this task is already difficult for someone who produces content professionally, it becomes even more difficult for those who are not professionals in the area and need to produce content for social media.

Therefore, in this article you will find 10 types of content that you can adapt to all your social networks and your brand and eliminate creative blocks once and for all.

Consistency Is Essential

Before knowing what type of content that you should produce, you must understand that there is a fundamental rule for your content to be successful on social media: consistency.

If you don’t publish content consistently, it won’t have results. And consistency doesn’t mean you have to post every day. But you need to set a frequency for your posts and keep it consistent.

By publishing only when you have time or when you have ideas for content, your followers will realize that there is no frequency or consistency in your publications. Furthermore, if you don’t publish for a long time, your audience will end up forgetting about your brand.

Therefore, the ideal is to have a content calendar and define what content and on what days to publish. In this way, you will be able to keep all your content organized and publish on the right days.

Emotion Is Key

Your content must provoke emotions in your audience. And it can only provoke emotions when it offers valuable content that will help consumers.


When you manage to cause emotions, as empathy, joy or gratitude, the trust consumers have in your brand will increase. This trust is essential to be able to maintain longer relationships with them.

10 Types Of Content To Use On Your Social Media


Create content that educates your audience and helps them understand that your company has the solution to the problem.

By offering content that helps your audience, you will be seen as an authority in your market because you are showing your audience that your company knows the market in which it operates and is concerned with explaining it to consumers.

Example: A company that sells second-hand clothes sharing content explaining to consumers its advantages and explaining the clothes treatment processes.

Customer Testimonials

It is important to have social proof content on your social media. You must show people that your customers are happy with your brand and that they trust you. So, share your customer testimonials on social media and success stories that are linked to your brand.

If you don’t have spontaneous testimonies, don’t hesitate to ask for them. You’ll see that if you ask, your customers won’t mind showing how satisfied they are with your company.

Example: A hair salon might ask clients to share the final result and tag the salon’s page. Then, just repost this by sharing on the salon’s social networks. This way you will be able to show your work and customer satisfaction.


If there is news that you can use in favor of your brand, do not hesitate to do so. Also, the news doesn’t always have to be from your industry to be able to turn it into useful content for your audience.

Example: When Donald Trump lost the US elections, at Swonkie we took the opportunity and made a post about it. And do we need to talk about politics? No. We simply used the fact that Trump used 62% of his social media ads to attack Biden and to demonstrate to our audience that competition should never be our focus. Otherwise, we may end up like Trump.

Tips and trends

Sharing tips and trends is a great way to attract followers to your social media.

When you offer good tips to your followers these tend to be shared and you manage to create a feeling of gratitude in your followers because you are offering content that will help them.

To build this content you can use a trend and explain how it can be used.

Example: A plant store can create a carousel where each image exemplifies the steps for planting a tree.

Certainly, in your area, there are countless tips that you have to offer to your followers and that will win them over.

News about your brand

Take advantage of social media to spread all the news about your brand, whether it’s a new product, a new feature of your service, an award that you’ve received or an event that you’re going to participate in.

By sharing the news of your brand, you will be showing that it is evolving, innovating, and always trying to offer the best to its customers.

Example: Share a new product launch with your followers. You can even pre-release it and share it with your public.


You can use quotes from well-known figures and give a personal opinion on the subject that they are talking about or complement the quote’s message with content that adds value to your audience.

You can also share the quotes and ask your followers if they agree with them. As a result, you can interact with the audience and create a discussion that can be interesting for your brand and your audience.

On LinkedIn it is common to have discussions on multiple subjects and people tend to interact and defend their point of view with conviction. You can get interesting ideas for the production of more content in discussions on topics related to your market.

Example: If you work in politics, share a quote from a relevant politician and explain your point of view on it.


After all, who doesn’t like a good meme? Memes, when used well, are great for provoking positive emotions in your consumers, allowing them to associate your brand with a good mood.

A meme can serve to share a message to your audience, but in a funny way. However, make sure that the meme that you are using will get your intended message across to your audience.

Example: Take advantage of a meme to highlight, in a funny way, a feature of your product.


If you heard that you should never share your products on social networks because they are non-commercial, you should know that this idea is completely wrong.

It is true that social media is not commercial, but it is also true that one of the main objectives for you to be present on them is to promote your products.

So, don’t be afraid to advertise your products on social media, as long as you do so with the 80/20 rule in mind. This rule suggests that only 20% of your content should appeal to the purchase of your products and the other 80% should be published to add value to your followers. Overall, for every five publications, only one should be an offer.

Example: A baby clothing store should share a photo of two clothing pieces, showing that they are hypoallergenic.


How many times have you spent hours watching videos on social media and without noticing the time passing? Video is an increasingly popular format and offering tutorials to your followers is a great way to attract them.

You can do it on all subjects that involve your brand. The success of your videos will depend on how you manage to engage your audience over time.

Always start your tutorials by getting the viewers’ attention, informing them about what they will learn during the video. In the end, don’t forget to ask your followers to take an action by sharing your video or leaving a comment about it.

Example: A nail salon can create tutorials explaining, step by step, how to have perfect nails.

Myths of your area

All areas have facts taken for granted that are not true. If your experience tells you that these facts are not at all true, share them with your followers.

By revealing myths, you are also building your authority and increasing your credibility, showing your followers that your brand is an expert in its field.

Moreover, myths attract consumers through curiosity, and you already know that this mental trigger is very powerful. Your followers won’t want to miss your market myths.

Example: Create a weekly heading and share myths of your area. In this way, your audience will know that a myth will be debunked that day.

Use Creativity

Now that you know what type of content you can publish to reach your audience, use your creativity to produce it.

Remember that your posts must be attractive enough to make users stop browsing on social media and that your content must add value to your brand.

And to plan and schedule your publications, don’t forget to count on Swonkie’s help.